Brahmaputra Studies Database

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Brahmaputra Studies Database

  • Colonial Censuses of Assam

    1er avril 2022, par P. Ramirez
    1872 Census is part of the Census of Bengal Almost all volumes of the Censuses of Assam from 1881 to 1961 are found on Google books refers to many of these volumes as well. The very rich 1891 Provincial tables volume may be accessed through the South Asia Open Archives, e.g. on JSTOR (...)
  • Gurdon, Some Assamese Proverbs, 1903

    11 octobre 2021, par P. Ramirez
    Gurdon, P. R. T. (Philip Richard Thornhagh). 1896. Some Assamese Proverbs. Shillong, Printed at the Assam secretariat printing office.

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